Basic Chromatic Harmony Course
Basic Chromatic Harmony Music Theory Course

Basic Chromatic Harmony

Regular price $59.99

Basic Chromatic Harmony - Video Course By Robert Davis

In the Basic Chromatic Harmony Course, we will explore the foundational elements of chromatic harmony, including tonicization chords like Secondary Dominants, Diminished, Half diminished 7ths, Fully Diminished 7ths, Augmented 6th, and Neapolitan 6th chords. Through nearly 150+ royalty free progressions that are practical examples of these concepts, the course illuminates how chromatic harmony extends beyond diatonic constraints, offering vibrant chord progression options and deepening musical expression. Additional resources, like PDF charts for each episode, provide a comprehensive understanding of chord resolutions and applications within both major and minor contexts.

Discover How To:

Use a variety of chord types essential for tonicization, including secondary dominants, diminished, half-diminished, augmented, augmented sixth, and Neapolitan sixth chords, providing you with the tools needed to enrich your musical compositions.

 Intro Video:


  • Foundational Understanding of Chromatic Harmony: Gain a solid grasp of chromatic harmony basics, including an understanding of tonicization chords, augmented 6th, and Neapolitan 6th chords, crucial for enhancing musical compositions.
  • Enhanced Musical Expression: Learn how to utilize chords outside of the key to add depth, tension, and resolution to your compositions, thereby expanding your expressive capabilities and bringing emotional depth to your music.
  • Versatility across Genres: The principles taught in this course apply across a wide array of musical styles, empowering you to incorporate chromatic harmony into your compositions regardless of the genre you are working with.
  • Practical Application and Examples: With a focus on practical examples and the inclusion of PDF resources for chord resolutions and applications, you'll be able to apply what you learn directly to your music, facilitating immediate improvement and experimentation.
  • Deepened Understanding of Music Theory: By exploring the distinctions between diatonic and chromatic harmony and learning about chord resolutions within a tonal center, you'll deepen your overall music theory knowledge, making you a more informed and capable musician and composer.
  • Creative Expansion: The course encourages creative experimentation with less common resolutions and chromatic alterations, broadening your creative horizons and inspiring innovative musical ideas.

Downloadable Course Includes:

  • 21 Video Lessons Episodes (3+ Hours) including an introduction video in mp4 format. 
  • PDF Examples with each Episode Lesson.  
  • 150+ Free to use Progressions included within the PDF examples. 
  • 1.34 GB Total Course Size 

Tech Specs: 

1.34 GB Download

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Daniel O'Connor
Life Changing. Inspiring. Best Music Course I've Ever Done

I've been doing Roberts Chromatic Harmony Course religiously for that last year today I am a different musician. 100X better composer, i"m starting to wander around the musical keys and sometimes I surprise myself and burst out laughing at how cool the thing I just did was...Its like I'm channelling music all of a sudden, it’s spiritual. I've never had this with music before, despite years of trying and following other courses. This one was the key for me. It feels like magic. Its all thanks to Robert. Hands down best music teacher ever.

What he did with my ears/brain regarding chromatic harmony is a miracle of sorts. So many concepts I never got nor could even identify despite years of trying, searching, wondering, asking people and just banging my head off a wall just came together because of this course. It is logically structured, well thought out, full of examples, well paced and without a pick of fat. Robert tells us students what he/we need to do to get this stuff (play in all keys, write things out etc) without labouring his points. The examples are inspiring and absolutely delightful to play and transpose and use bits of in my own compositions.

He just did a brilliant job on it and there is no one else teaching chromatic harmony on youtube . Its not aimed at popular music but I’ve found its insights to be the key to the more avant guard (for want of a better word) popular music artists that I'm into like David Bowie, The Beatles, Beach Boys, etc. and its helped me immensely to write my own pieces with those sort of sophisticated moves and to see behind the curtain on what those masters were thinking...Anyway this course is brilliant , I’ve never in my life been so changed by a course of study. If you are willing to put the work in it will make you a much better composer and see/hear all sorts of possibilities you would never get near without it. I am proof. A genius teacher, a peerless teacher. Utterly brilliant! Buy this course, roll up your sleeves, crack your knuckles get the head down daily for months and watch what happens! 10/10

Steve Bye
Hard-to-find advanced music theory

I feel like I found a gold mine when I found the Basic Chromatic Harmony class. I understood secondary dominants, but I had no idea how many more techniques could introduce some chromatic interest into a chord progression. The chord progression examples can be used, modified, orchestrated, or elaborated on. I thoroughly enjoyed this class.

Frederik Verheecke
Clear and concise course

I think the course is great. Has clear and step by step examples. I would love the see a way to easily transpose the examples. Personally I'm not yet at the stage that I have consolidated my fundamentals so a course on this and how to approach this learning curve would be nice:-)

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